Monday, October 21, 2024


In 1990, Koraes Library launched the process of cataloguing electronically all its books. Electronic cataloguing was made possible thanks to the AVEKT software, a programme created by the National Documentation Centre. In addition to the electronic catalogue, the library maintains the traditional handwritten registration book, which is currently used to search and locate old material. Newer acquisitions, and more specifically material acquired after 1990, have been keyed in electronically without going through the old-fashion registration book. In addition to cataloguing newer acquisitions by using the AVEKT software, the library’s personnel trained into using this programme started working on cataloguing books and periodicals prior to 1990. To date, the cataloguing team registers book collections that date as far back as the 1940’ and were mainly published during the 19th and the 20th century.   

The 5.6 version of the AVEKT software is currently used in our library. It provides users with enhanced research and retrieval features. User can locate material by title, authorship, heading, subject matter and keyword. This is a simple level search. At the intermediate and advanced level search, technologically savvy users can combine more than one search parameters as well as individual words. If the book or other material belongs to the Koraes Library, it means that it cannot be borrowed. However, researchers can read the books and study the material in situ, in other words at the library’s reading room. Only the material kept at the circulation desk/lending department can be borrowed.


scannerDigitalized material
Digitalization of the library’s material is a vital part of the overall process aiming at preserving the library’s treasures. The material that has been digitalized or is in the process of being digitalized is the following:

  • Local papers, and most specifically Paghiaki and Nea Chios
  • Amaltheia and Smyrni, two Greek newspapers published in Smyrna (1871). 
  •  A series of literary journals and other journals and periodicals such as: Vios (Smyrna 1878), Apothiki (Smyrna 1839), Eptalofos (Istanbul 1862), Nea Apothiki (Smyrna 1860), Imerologion tis Anatolis (Istanbul 1878), Parnassos (Smyrna 1894), H Filologia (Smyrna 1841), Chiaka Chronika (1911, 1914, 1917, 1919, 1923).    
  • Selected books (editions published between the 16th and the 19th century) chosen based on two major criteria, namely their relevance to the island of Chios and the historical period to which they refer and the users interest in accessing this material. 
  • Books belonging to Adamantios Koraes collection as well as all publications on and about   Koraes (from the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century).

Digitalization was made possible thanks to a high-tech scanning and digital imaging machine that is a property of the Koraes Library.